Visionary Projects are a Meaningful Solution to a Personal or Social Challenge
How do you want to make the world better?
What do you want to see in the world?
Key Community Projects
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Visionary Projects

Media for Deep News (Radio and more)
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Mini-library, museum and café – and plenty of cats
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Community-wide podcasting/radio program for poignant awareness and action
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Digital storytelling in Zanzibar
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Literacy and learning in a Dar es Salaam slum
Education - Understanding
1 Supporter

Educate Girls in Tanzania
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Post Secondary Education for Girls in Tanzania
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Help 10 young women in Zanzibar learn English
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

School 135 poor Cambodian children to prosperity
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Provide women and girls education in Tanzania
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters

Empowering Cambodian Girls with Health Education
Education - Understanding
0 Supporters
How to get started with Visionary Projects

Browse Projects
Browse Projects that are
underway in your community
Show your support (and keep track) of any Project that interests you by clicking the Support button.
Join a Task
Projects are composed of Tasks. Join any Task to help the Project succeed.
Create a Project
Do you have an idea about how to make the world better? Get started by creating your own Project.
What is a Project?
– Projects are a way to create something new in the world that addresses a social problem at the root level.
– Projects work through direct action by all who Support it, use their personal resources (time, passion, skills, talent, money).
– Projects don't depend on the use of power (policy, law, or adversarial relationships), government or big business.
– Projects are community based. Anyone can start a Project and anyone can participate.
Learn more
Visionary Projects is part of Visionary Society.
Turn your ideas about how to make the world better into action!