Mandazi Project: Cooking Beans, Soup, and Snacks
The Mandazi project aims to increase sales, ensure high-quality products, create jobs, and expand our brand locally and online with diverse offerings.
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Mandazi Project: Cooking Beans, Soup, and Snacks
A Visionary Society Project
The Mandazi project aims to increase sales, ensure high-quality products, create jobs, and expand our brand locally and online with diverse offerings.
Photo of Portland

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Our Mandazi business faces challenges due to inconsistent customer demand, strong competition, and economic constraints that make people prioritize essentials over snacks. These issues impact our profitability and sustainability.
We're launching this project to boost sales and profitability, improve product quality, and expand our customer base by introducing new flavors and healthier options. I'll lead the project, with potential help from volunteers for marketing, logistics, and distribution tasks.
To grow the Maandazi business, grant funds will be used as follows:
Weeks 1-2: Buy equipment, ingredients, packaging, and cover utilities.
Weeks 3-4: Hire trainers, attend training, and test recipes.
Week 5: Expand production, explore new sales channels, and increase marketing.
Needs & Funds
We need a total of $300 for the project:

Cooking Equipment: $100
Ingredients: $50
Packaging Materials: $25
Safety and Sanitation Supplies: $50
Marketing Materials: $25
Operational Needs (Rent and Utilities): $50
The Mandazi project aims to increase sales and revenue by expanding our customer base. We'll maintain high product quality, introduce new flavors, and create job opportunities for the youth. Our long-term goals include expanding to multiple locations, partnering with local stores and restaurants, and diversifying our product line.
Type: Food.


To learn more, visit the Quest Business.
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