MARGRETH's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Background & Vision
My name is Magreth Masoud Denis.I am from Tanga District and was born in Myuzi Hospital in the village of Ngomeni in 1998. I attended Kisangani Primary School in the village of Hale from 2005 to 2012, where I completed my primary education with good grades. However, due to my family's financial situation, I couldn't continue…


My name is Magreth Masoud Denis.I am from Tanga District and was born in Myuzi Hospital in the village of Ngomeni in 1998. I attended Kisangani Primary School in the village of Hale from 2005 to 2012, where I completed my primary education with good grades. However, due to my family's financial situation, I couldn't continue to secondary school. So, I stayed home with my parents, helping them with farming and other household chores until I got engaged and eventually married. Unfortunately, my married life was very difficult; my husband treated me poorly, but I endured it. Later, I had a child with him. As life continued to be hard, I decided to return to my parents' home while pregnant. I gave birth to my child and faced many challenges raising my child. I started working as a farm labourer to earn money for my child's basic needs like soap, oil, and clothes. The child's father never returned to help raise the child. I struggled to support my child until he was three years old, when I met another man whom I married. I moved to Dar es Salaam to live with him, hoping for better support to raise my child. We have been living together for four years now and have another child who is one year old. Our life is modest; my husband is a carpenter, but his income is low. Therefore, I started a small business making Mandazi (doughnuts) and bean soup to help support our family and my first child, whom we decided should stay in the village, has never seen his father since birth.My request is for assistance in educating my first child and for a small business loan to buy equipment and materials also secure a suitable location for my business. This would allow me to grow the business and potentially hire others to work with me.


The surrounding community, known as "uswahilini," is located in Dar Es Salaam. Most of the residents live on low incomes, and many of the houses are inherited properties built by the original local inhabitants. The local economy largely relies on small businesses and renting out these houses.While the infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals, and schools, is relatively good, a significant challenge is the high unemployment rate, especially among the youth, who often roam the streets without jobs. This presents both social and economic challenges for the community

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