Batik fusion
This project combines traditional batik techniques with modern designs to produce high-quality, culturally rich products and achieve sustainable income while preserving traditional craftsmanship.
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Batik fusion
A Visionary Society Project
This project combines traditional batik techniques with modern designs to produce high-quality, culturally rich products and achieve sustainable income while preserving traditional craftsmanship.
Photo of Portland

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My batik-making business faces several challenges: traditional techniques are time-consuming, ensuring quality is hard, materials are expensive, and I compete with cheaper, mass-produced products. These issues stem from limited access to capital, markets, training, and modern tools. My project addresses this by expanding market access through online platforms, securing better materials and tools via partnerships, and improving skills through training and workshops.
The aim of my project is to develop high-quality batik products that meet local and international market standards. I will oversee the entire project as the project manager. I'll collaborate with designers to create new patterns and designs. My partners will include suppliers of raw materials like fabric and dyes, as well as retailers and distributors. Depending on the project's scale, I may need volunteers for educating the public about batik and participating in workshops and events for artisans.
I will spend the grant funds as follows, with a detailed timeline and specific steps:
1st Week: Purchase raw materials (fabric, dyes, wax).
2nd Week: Buy equipment and tools (batik tools, dyeing equipment, safety gear).
3rd Week: Start designing and work with the designer.
4th Week: Launch marketing (social media ads, flyers, and trade show preparations).
5th Week: Set up online sales, and build retail partnerships.
Needs & Funds
I will need a total of $350 for my project. This includes $150 for raw materials like fabric, dyes, and wax, and $100 for equipment and tools such as batik tools, dye vats, and safety gear. Additionally, $25 will be used for designing and working with the designer, while $75 will cover marketing expenses, including social media ads and flyers. Costs for exhibitions and trade shows will also be included.
I expect to see high-quality batik products that meet both local and international standards, showcasing excellent craftsmanship and innovative designs. My project aims to preserve and revive traditional batik techniques, ensuring they are passed down to future generations. Additionally, I anticipate generating sustainable income, which will provide financial stability and improve the quality of life for those involved. My long-term goal is to blend traditional batik with contemporary designs to create a thriving, culturally rich business.


To learn more, visit the Quest Business.
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