ATUPOKILE's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Background & Vision
I studied up to the seventh grade. I was first married to a husband who has since passed away, and we had one child together. After hispassing, I lived as a single mother for many years. Later, I remarried my current husband, and we have another child, a daughter who is nowmarried with four children. My eldest son is also…


I studied up to the seventh grade. I was first married to a husband who has since passed away, and we had one child together. After hispassing, I lived as a single mother for many years. Later, I remarried my current husband, and we have another child, a daughter who is nowmarried with four children. My eldest son is also married and has two children. Unfortunately, my husband is a heavy drinker and doesn't work.He lost his job because of his drinking. When he receives his pension at the end of the month, he doesn't contribute to our household expenses;instead, he spends it all on alcohol.As a result, I decided to work as a casual labour, doing gardening in people's homes for ten years. I saved up some money and decided to stopworking as a labourer and start a business of making and selling batik. I sell my products to people in their homes and at various markets.However, the income I earn is insufficient to meet my needs.I need assistance to acquire tools and materials for my batik business to increase my capital and income, as life is very challenging. I don't evenhave health insurance because my health is not very good, and with my current income, I can't afford medical treatment. Therefore, I needequipment, cotton fabrics, protective gear for handling dyes, and colons


The community I live in is a newly established residential area. Although there are a few locals who are mostly small-scale farmersgrowing cassava and maize, the majority of residents are newcomers. These newcomers are mostly former government employeeswho bought land and plots from the locals to establish their homes after retiring. Infrastructure development is still lacking. Manyresidents have only recently set up their new homes and are working to get electricity and water connections. Most of them don't havea substantial income and rely heavily on their pensions to support themselves and their families.

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