Vailet’s Fresh Juices
Vailet's Fresh Juices provides the community with fresh, healthy, and affordable juice options by sourcing local fruits and using eco-friendly practices. The project aims to expand production and open more outlets over time.
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Vailet’s Fresh Juices
A Visionary Society Project
Vailet's Fresh Juices provides the community with fresh, healthy, and affordable juice options by sourcing local fruits and using eco-friendly practices. The project aims to expand production and open more outlets over time.
Photo of Portland

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Our community struggles to find fresh, healthy, and affordable juice options, with sugary and artificial drinks being the easiest to get. I want to change that by producing and distributing fresh juices locally, keeping them affordable by buying fruits in bulk and educating others about the benefits of natural juices through simple, informative campaigns.
My project aims to create a sustainable juice business that offers fresh, healthy, and affordable drinks to the community. I’ll manage the project by sourcing fruits, overseeing production, and coordinating sales. My husband and I will handle making and packaging the juices, while I’ll also handle the finances and marketing. There’s no need for volunteers at this stage, but we may expand with sales reps in the future.
The grant funds will be used to purchase equipment like juicers, blenders, refrigerators, and raw materials to kickstart the juice-making project.


Week 1: Buy essential equipment (juicers, blenders, refrigerators) and set up the workspace.
Week 2: Source raw materials and packaging.
Week 3: Test equipment and ensure hygiene standards.
Week 4: Start full-scale production and distribute to local markets and online.
Needs & Funds
I will need equipment like juicers, blenders, refrigerators, and tools for fruit preparation. Additionally, I’ll need bottles, caps, and seals for packaging, along with a clean production space and utilities for water and electricity. Financial resources will cover purchasing fresh fruits, other ingredients, and cleaning supplies to maintain hygiene.
The juice-making project aims to create a healthier community by providing fresh, nutritious juice alternatives to sugary drinks. It will support local farmers by sourcing fruits locally, boosting their income and strengthening the local economy. The project will also reduce environmental waste by using eco-friendly packaging and promoting sustainable practices.

The juice-making project is designed to offer the community fresh, healthy, and affordable juice options as an alternative to sugary drinks. By producing and distributing locally, the project will not only enhance access to nutritious beverages but also support local farmers and promote sustainable practices with eco-friendly packaging. In the short term, the focus is on setting up production equipment, sourcing ingredients, and starting distribution. Long-term goals include expanding production capacity, opening additional juice outlets, and further strengthening local economic ties while fostering a healthier community.

Long-Term Goals:
Business Expansion: As demand grows, I plan to scale production, hire additional staff, and possibly expand to a larger facility.
Multiple Outlets: The goal is to open more juice bars or retail outlets in different locations to reach a wider audience.
Type: Food.
Period: Ongoing or indefinite.



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