Vailet's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Vailet Ladislaus
Background & Vision
My name is Vailet Ladislaus. I live in Zanzibar, and I am a mother of two children. I am married, and my husband and I run a juice business together. However, we face several challenges in our juice business. One of the main issues is that our fridge is too small. If I plan to make 100 bottles of juice, the fridge can only…


My name is Vailet Ladislaus. I live in Zanzibar, and I am a mother of two children. I am married, and my husband and I run a juice business together. However, we face several challenges in our juice business. One of the main issues is that our fridge is too small. If I plan to make 100 bottles of juice, the fridge can only store 50, which limits our production capacity. Another challenge is the distance I have to travel to sell the juice; sometimes, it takes me up to three hours to reach my destination before I can even start selling. This long journey is necessary to meet the needs of my children. Additionally, finding suitable bottles for selling the juice is difficult. When I do manage to find them, I have to wash them thoroughly before I can pack the juice I’ve made. Another problem is that the blender I use is very small. I need a larger blender that can blend more juice in one to two hours, allowing me to produce more in a shorter time.I am kindly requesting assistance in acquiring a larger fridge, a more powerful blender, and proper bottles for storing the juice, so I can grow my business and improve my income.


Mwanakwerekwe is known for its vibrant community life, characterized by a blend of traditionalZanzibari culture and urban influences. The residents are predominantly of Swahili descent, with a mix of Arab, African, and Indian heritage, reflecting the rich cultural tapestry of Zanzibar. The community is deeply rooted in Islamic traditions, and religion plays a significant role in the daily lives of the people. The lifestyle in Mwanakwerekwe is a mix of urban and rural elements. Many people engage in small-scale trading, running shops, and vending at local markets. The area is known for its bustling market, where a wide variety of goods, including fresh produce, spices, and household items, are sold. Traditional Swahili food, such as rice and fish, is commonly consumed, and the social life is centred around family, community gatherings, and religious practices. The area has evolved into a significant urban center with a diverse population and a mix of both traditional and modern influences. Mwanakwerekwe is home to a mix of socioeconomic classes, though the majority of the population falls within the lower to middle-income brackets. The area is characterized by modest housing, with many families living in simple, often overcrowded conditions. Mwanakwerekwe, like many other parts of Zanzibar, faces challenges such as unemployment, especially among the youth, limited access to higher education, and infrastructure that struggles electricity, water and roads] to keep up with the growing population. However, thereare ongoing efforts by the government, NGOs, and the community itself to address these issues .

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