What is your calling?
What can you do with your life that is of great importance? Everyone needs a cause, and a good one. What is yours?
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With the achievement of great success there is also great sorrow. The understanding of the totality of life brings about its own action. (J. Krishnamurti)

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Review Perspectives on how to find a calling. (10 minutes)
Watch one of these 5 minute video clips.
Introduction to Visionary society Quest (5 minutes)
Each participant may select one Perspective to discuss.
Active, guided meditation: What is your ultimate goal?
What Quest will you undertake? In what area of you life (Money, culture, creativity, helping, etc)?
Create a Visionary Society Proposal to be published on our site.



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What is your calling?
A Visionary Society Project
What can you do with your life that is of great importance? Everyone needs a cause, and a good one. What is yours?
Photo of Portland

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