Form a Peace brigade for any conflict
Let’s form a Peace Brigade for any conflict, in which participants take a pledge for understanding opposing sides, with the goal of establishing genuine communication and acting at the root level of a conflict.
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Finding a transformative response to global conflict could be tremendous. To be capable of this we must raise ourselves to the highest possible point of our nature. One morning we will awake in clear light, a cool wind blowing away the mist, and see at once how silly we were, and we will look at each other in shame, and love each other.

Peace Brigades are composed of anyone involved in a conflict, with civilians and soldiers on each side, includes the following:
–  Meetings to explore perspectives on each side.
– Present a message of insight and immensity in a public square (including Reflect and Pledge).
–  Citywide learning, with lectures and other public forums.
–  Introduce Quest for Soldiers, Police, Security Guards, and Give Back the Night.
–  Words of wisdom from their religious tradition Jews and Muslims can offer each other.
– 'Celebration of the good' to read aloud sublime works on peace.

– Understand the grievances and suffering of all sides.
– Seek the good in the opposing side.
– Celebrate the opposing culture.
– Explore one's own role in aggression.
– Active collaboration with any and all people and organizations.

Is it possible to end the conflict before it begins?

Get started
Start thinking about Real Peace.
What is a Peace Brigade? (10 minutes)

Israel - Palestine
Entertain a few Perspectives on Israel and Palestine you didn't know or don't agree with.
What is Visionary Society? (5 minutes).
What is Real Peace? (Reading aloud of tremendous insights). (15 minutes).
Reflect: Guided meditation to reflect on our own role in making war possible, especially regarding this particular conflict. (15 minutes).
Review the Visionary Society Peace Pledge (10 minutes)
Discuss how we can create a Peace Brigade. (30 minutes).
◉   Take the Pledge for Real Peace.
◉   Transform a conflict into a Quest.
◉   Join a Peace Brigade for a specific conflict.
“Freedom from conflict comes with choiceless awareness of the content of conflict.” J. Krishnamurti
We’re looking for a Guide for this Project. A stipend for volunteers ($100 - $250) is available. Application.

Additional Quests in this category (Conflict)
▣   What is real peace?
▣   Create a Peace Brigade for any conflict.
▣   Challenge soldiers to fight for the good.
▣   Give back the night.
▣   Police: Protect, understand & help.
▣   Transform security guards into security guides.
▣   What is a good prison?
Type: Conflict, Peace.


To learn more, visit the Quest Israel-Palestine Conflict.
Quests are a way to grasp any topic, from Mystery to Perspectives to Reflect to Action


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Form a Peace brigade for any conflict
A Visionary Society Project
Let’s form a Peace Brigade for any conflict, in which participants take a pledge for understanding opposing sides, with the goal of establishing genuine communication and acting at the root level of a conflict.
Photo of Portland

Put an end to war in yourself.
Find a way that all sides can agree with.
Instead of demanding change, ask for understanding.
Repent for the harm you have done.
Always decide to use humble love.
Look at evil with the eyes of a mother.

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