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Visionary Society Journey
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We have ceased to be shocked by the breakdown in moral inhibitions.
Explore this Quest: Society

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Abraham Heschel
"We have ceased to be shocked by the breakdown in moral inhibitions"

“Our entire civilization today – we’ve all gone under one idea: interest or need. And we are taught the greatest thing alive is to satisfy one’s needs and interests. Actually, our way of living revolved around one principle: self-interest. Self-interest. There is nothing else but self-interest. If love is only self-interest, then love is a fake, a pretense.” Moral Grandeur and Spiritual Audacity, 409"We have shaped our lives around the...

John Ruskin
"We are miserable, greedy, and depraved"

“They took the bread and milk and meat from the people of their fields; they gave it to feed, and retain here in their service, this fermenting mass of unhappy human beings, — news-mongers, novel-mongers, picture-mongers, poison-drink-mongers, lust and death-mongers; the whole smoking mass of it one vast dead-marine storeshop, — accumulation of wreck of the Dead Sea, with every activity in it, a form of putrefaction.” The Genius of John Ruskin, 402

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What are the principles of modern society?
Reflect on Society: What are the principles of modern society?

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What are the principles of modern society? Science and technology? Materialism, growth, market forces? Pleasure-seeking, lust, greed?
What are the biggest problems we face? Climate change, artificial intelligence, nuclear war? Inequality, injustice, poverty, disease? Loneliness, addiction, meaninglessness?
What is your experience of living in bureaucratic, centralized, organized, technological, materialistic society? Do you accept the ideologies of work, entertainment, politics? Do you accept your life with it and in it?
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Exquisite sensitivity and incomparable tenderness.
Society Challenge

What our civilization needs today. . .is the cultivation of an exquisite sensitivity and an incomparable tenderness…Unnamable horrors have paraded before us and worse evils threaten because we have been unable to wipe the blank stare of indifference from our stony tearless faces. (Lewis Mumford)

“Our victories have come to resemble defeats. In spite of our triumphs, we have fallen victims to the work of our hands; it is as if the forces we had conquered have conquered us.” Abraham Heschel

What is success?
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Create Visionary Society
Society Action: Create Visionary Society
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Are we sheep?
I wonder, are we sheep or people? Sheep are four-legged ungulates. People are two-legged ambulates, strangulates. Our dreams are awfully small. A nice place to live and a car, a family, a vacation. Dressing up, climbing the ladder. Small talk and pleasantries. Is that all there is?
How to wake up
What is the first thing you say to yourself in the morning? As wakefulness arrives, fight the inertia. The inertia that convicts you of who you are, who you think you are: your appearance, your health, your age, your position, your possessions. Don’t underestimate yourself. What matters is this very day.
Spiritual jujitsu
Spiritual jujitsu is a kind of conceptual agility, like a gymnast doing a double twist and back flip at the same time. Spiritual jujitsu is a superlative creative act. It means that the question is wrong. It means that everything you thought you knew was false.
Quests on Society
There are 5 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!

A Visionary Society Quest
Photo of Portland

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