Visionary Cities
A Quest in the Category Society
What is the most you can imagine for your community?
Let’s create a vision for the city together
The future is approaching fast and we need to be ready for it!
The way we live will change. The way we work will change. The way we move will change. But: change has to happen in a local way – maintaining the cities unique identity. There are a lot of choices to be made. That’s why we need a future Vision for this place and want you to be part of it!

On what basis can we envision a more beautiful world, one in which anyone can ? What does it mean to flower as a human being? It means insight, beauty and soul.
We can’t just start building monuments and funding operas. We need guiding principles and standards. We also need insight, courage, humility and wisdom. Where is all that possibly going to come from?
It has to arise via a process of lifelong transformation. The real change is efforvescence of spirit. Start from what you know best. Everyone has a concern, complaint, vision. Enter into that as a quest, with the full force of your being. Have confidence that the old verities – beauty, love, truth – still exist. What is the opposite of sclerosis? Insight, courage, humility and wisdom. Straighten your back and look ahead.
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No activity can become excellent if the world does not provide a proper space for its exercise.

Hannah Arendt

“But if you can fix some conception of a true human state of life to be striven for…all your art, your literature, your daily labours, your domestic affection, and citizen’s duty, will join and increase into one magnificent harmony. You will know then how to build, well enough; you will build with stone well, but with flesh better; temples not made with hands, but riveted of hearts; and that kind of marble, crimson-veined, is indeed eternal.” John Ruskin

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Quest brings together thought, feeling and action at one and the same time. It is the totality of a response to a mystery. It is yearning for good, truth, love. Learn more.