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Why do we fight our own brothers and sisters? Can conflict be resolved at the root? Is understanding between strangers, political parties, and nations, even possible? Can we put an end to war in ourselves?
Visionary Peace Journey
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"Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."
Explore this Quest: Peace

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Peace Pilgrim
"Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love"

This is the way of peace: Overcome evil with good, falsehood with truth, and hatred with love… One in harmony with God’s law of love has more strength than an army, for one need not subdue an adversary; an adversary can be transformed.When enough of us find inner peace, our institutions will become more peaceful and there will be no more occasion for war… No one walks so safely as one who walks humbly and harmlessly with great love and faith. For...

Resource: DOCUMENT
Brother David...
"Look at evil with the eyes of a mother"

God is a word for that mystery with which we are constantly confronted…And we have the choice to either trust it or distrust it. That is what faith is called.

Resource: VIDEO
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What share do you have in the world’s confusion and wickedness?
Reflect on Peace: What share do you have in the world’s confusion and wickedness?

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How peaceful are you? How much peace is there in your life? And how much conflict? When you are in conflict, do you use force or love?
Are you at war with yourself? Do you sometimes act with cruelty or brutality? In what ways are you narrow, superficial, fragmented? In what ways? Are you responsible for wars? What share do you have in the world’s confusion and wickedness?’
How do you get along with your parents, siblings, partners? How do you feel waiting in a supermarket line when there is an unexp
How do you lead your life? Do you participate in violent cultural activities, use respectful language? What would it mean to lea
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Peace challenge... ... ... ... ... ... Put an end to war in yourself.
Peace Challenge

Put an end to war in yourself
Understand your own role in conflict and aggression.
Admit your need for power, prestige, money.
Recognize your own brutality.
Atone as far as possible for the wrongs you inflict on others.
Don't participate in violent cultural activities.
Reduce indirect complicity in harm, such as overconsumption and greed.
Respect the sanctity of human life and all life.

“War is the spectacular and bloody projection of our everyday life, is it not? War is merely an outward expression of our inward state, an enlargement of our daily action. It is more spectacular, more bloody, more destructive, but it is the collective result of our individual activities.”
"Hitler and Mussolini were only the primary spokesmen for the attitude of domination of craving for power that are in the heart of almost everyone. Until the source is cleared, there will always be confusion and hate, wars and class antagonisms.”
– J. Krishnamurti

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Form a Peace Brigade for any conflict.
Peace Action: Form a Peace Brigade for any conflict.
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What is real peace? What we need is tenderness in the face of brutality. The main thing is not to take a side just because we happen to be on that side. It doesn’t matter who is right. Peace is more than putting an end to war. Profound Peace means living in a way that the other person is as important as you. It means putting an end to war in ourselves.
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“You may not offend anybody; you may not harbor an uncharitable thought, even in connection with one who may consider himself to be your enemy…The objective of satyagraha is to win the victory over the conflict situation.”

Mohandas Ganhdi

“Freedom from conflict comes with choiceless awareness of the content of conflict.” J. Krishnamurti

Quests on Peace
There are 7 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!
A Visionary Society Quest
Put an end to war in yourself.
Understand the nature of peace.
Explore your own role in conflict.
Select any global conflict.
Photo of Portland

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