Ask soldiers to be thoughtful
There is always a place for the intelligence and conscience of the individual — even for soldiers, who are required to obey the chain of command. How can we engage soldiers in transforming the conflict situation in which they are engaged?
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Putting an end to the cycle of ignorance and misunderstanding is a grand task. While still doing their duty, soldiers can use force for protection, assistance, and building, rather than merely aggression. They can act with understanding, compassion, and courage, fighting not just for victory, but for a lasting and meaningful resolution to conflict.

Get started
Read Soldiers have a tremendous vocation (10 minutes)
Review Perspectives (short essay, 10 minutes)
Review Perspectives. What does it mean to Fight for the Good? (20 minutes)
Reflect: Guided, active meditation. What is your role in war? (20 minutes)
Discuss the Pledge for Soldiers. (10 minutes)
What kind of Public Action can we take? (20 minutes)
Introduce Real Peace to soldiers at a local military base:
– Ask them for exquisite sensitivity to their position in society.
– Pledge for soldiers.
– Understand the grievance and suffering of the other side.
– Form a Peace Brigade for a particular conflict.
We’re looking for a Guide for this Proposal. A stipend for volunteers ($100 - $250) is available. Details.

Type: Conflict, Peace.


To learn more, visit the Quest Soldiers can fight for the good.
Quests are a way to grasp any topic, from Mystery to Perspectives to Reflect to Action

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Ask soldiers to be thoughtful
A Visionary Society Project
There is always a place for the intelligence and conscience of the individual — even for soldiers, who are required to obey the chain of command. How can we engage soldiers in transforming the conflict situation in which they are engaged?
Photo of Portland

Pledge for civilians
– Understand the causes of the conflict, and the suffering, grievances and needs of all sides.
– Recognize your own part in creating conflict (including what you do for work, entertainment and in your daily life). Repent for your own brutality.
– Put an end to war in yourself. Become capable of peace.
– Find a deeper resolution and transform the conflict situation itself.
– Look at evil with the eyes of a mother.

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