This is a Primary Category with multiple Quests
What is explosive creativity?
Can we combat mass culture? Are there objective standards for culture? What is the purpose of art? What is the difference between outer and inner beauty?
Visionary Culture Journey
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Genius in art is invisible to ordinary eyes.
Explore this Quest: Culture

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Somerset Maugham
"Put the fair and good into your mind"

The goal of culture should be not beauty but goodness The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that. Its use is for life. Its aim is not beauty but goodness. Too often as we know, it gives rise to self-complacency. Who has not seen the scholar's thin-lipped smile when he corrects a misquotation, and the connoisseurs pained look when someone praises a picture he does not care for. There is no...

John Ruskin
"Genius in art is invisible to ordinary eyes"

“The – to me frightful – discovery, that the most splendid genius in the arts might be permitted by Providence to labour and perish uselessly; that in the very fineness of it there might be something rendering it invisible to ordinary eyes.” The Genius of John Ruskin, 327

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How do you participate in culture?
Reflect on Culture: How do you participate in culture?

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How actively do you participate in culture? Are you looking for stimulation and pleasure? Do you try to understand the purpose and effect of what you see and hear? Do you seek the good, true and beautiful?
What is your culture IQ?
How much time do you spend watching television, on the Internet, on your phone, or listening to music? How much do you engage in creative work or challenging thought?
What is beautiful or ugly, moral or immoral, in your community? In public spaces? In politics and the media? Among strangers and friends?
Think of a song, film or work of art you hae enjoyed. How does it make you feel? Does it inflame your ego? Does it reinforce stereotypes? Does it make you compare yourself to others? Or did it recognize the part of you that you admire? Did it make you feel more human? Did it address what is best in you?
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Put the fair and good into your mind.
Culture Challenge

See through the illusion of outer beauty. Support culture that lifts and inspires, informs and transforms. Put the fair and good into your mind. Find out what is explosive creativity.

How do we measure culture? “By how much spiritual substance there is in its everyday existence…We gauge culture by the extent to which a whole people, not only individuals, live in accordance with the dictates of an eternal doctrine or strive for spiritual integrity; the extent to which inwardness, compassion, justice and holiness are to be found in the daily life of the masses.” Abraham Heschel
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Support culture that lifts and inspires, informs and transforms.
Culture Action: Support culture that lifts and inspires, informs and transforms.
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Beauty is adrift, under assault, in need of a friend. Does beauty even exist? Don’t make me laugh. Is there a place in the world for beauty? Yes, we know it in our hearts, we see it all around
us. The real question is: What can we do about it?
What is Beautiful books?
Is it possible to distinguish between destructive and beautiful art? Is Beauty possible in the modern world? Join us in creating Beautiful Books.
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Join us in creating Beautiful Books, an annual event to complement Banned Books Week.

The mission of Beautiful Books is to stand up for meaning and beauty in popular culture – art and culture that lifts and inspires, informs and transforms.

How do we measure culture? “By how much spiritual substance there is in its everyday existence...We gauge culture by the extent to which a whole people, not only individuals, live in accordance with the dictates of an eternal doctrine or strive for spiritual integrity; the extent to which inwardness, compassion, justice and holiness are to be found in the daily life of the masses.”

Abraham Heschel, The Earth is the Lord’s

“Modern knowledge is departmentalized,” H.J. Massingham wrote in 1943, “while the essence of culture is initiation into wholeness, so that all the divisions of knowledge are considered as the branches of one tree, the Tree of Life whose roots went deep into the earth and whose top was in heaven.” Wendell Berry, Home Economics

Quests on Culture
There are 9 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!
Photo of Portland

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