This is a Primary Category with multiple Quests
What should we do with our time, money, skills, talents? How can we maintain our integrity in a world where power, success and money are valued above all else?
Can spirituality reform the acquisitive spirit? Is anything sacred anymore?
Visionary Self Journey
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Smile with a true smile
Explore this Quest: Self

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"Decide what to put into your mind"

“When in wild, unruly crowds We move with care to shield our broken limbs, Likewise when we live in evil company, Our wounded minds we should not fail to guard. For if I carefully protect my wounds Because I fear the hurt of cuts and bruises, Why should I not guard my wounded mind, For fear of being crushed beneath the cliffs of hell?” The Way of the Bodhisattva, Shantideva, 5.19-20"The mind can be permanently profaned by the habit of attending to...

Thich Nhat Hanh
"Smile with a true smile"

If a child smiles, if an adult smiles, that is very important. If in our daily lives we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. If we really know how to live, what better way to start the day than with a smile? Our smile affirms our awareness and determination to live in peace and joy. The source of a true smile is an awakened mind.” Peace is Every Step

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What would you give your life for?
Reflect on Self: What would you give your life for?

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What do you care about most? Personal security Accumulate money Your own happiness Recognition, status, fame Social justice Being a decent person Bring good into the world
What do you find humorous? Do you derive pleasure from the suffering of others? Watch yourself and see if you have this feeling. It may not be obvious, but if it is there you will find that it expresses itself in the impulse to laugh when somebody falls. You want those who are high to be pulled down; you criticize and gossip thoughtlessly about others.
What is the condition of your psyche? Do you judge others by their age, gender, race, attractiveness? Are you quick to anger? Jealous and envious? Lazy and ignorant? Bigoted and self-righteous?
How do you react when someone attacks you? Do you fight back? Are you at peace with yourself? Are you seeking status, position, money, relationship?
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Be willing to suffer and sacrifice
Self Challenge

Do not seek pleasure or security first. Be willing to suffer, even to give up everything, in the service of something greater than yourself. Give until it hurts.

"If you want to help, share something of yourself – not from your abundance – but until it hurts. Give what costs you—make a sacrifice—do without something you like, so you may share what you have saved thus with those who do not even have what they need. Then your giving will be true giving--loving until it hurts.” Mother Teresa
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Become a Visionary Citizen
Self Action: Become a Visionary Citizen
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What is Visionary citizen?
Visionary society is a dream of people everywhere, but it’s a wistful dream, so far from our reality. What would it take to actually create it?

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Quests on Self
There are 8 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!

A Visionary Society Quest
Photo of Portland

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