MysteryWhat happens when your powers decline? What is transitory and what is permanent? Do you forget your old hopes and dreams? Do you stop dreaming of tremendous mysteries? Do you just give up and fade away? Or can there be a resolution?
Old age is not a defeat but a victory, not a punishment but a privilege. One ought to enter old age as one enters the senior year at a university, in exciting anticipation of consummation.
Abraham Heschel
Goddesses never age. “I have stepped out of the cage of age altogether – I have simply become too wise for ageism. And, as I advise in my book Goddesses Never Age, I don’t state my age. I don’t think about my age. I don’t celebrate “milestone” birthdays. And, I don’t use my age as an excuse for anything. Instead, I think about taking up space, not running out of the time. I feel so strongly that my best years are all ahead.” Worrying About My Age, Christiane Northrup