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Ratifa Danford Makamba
Background & Vision
My name is Ratifa Danford Makamba, born and raised in Rudewa, Njombe Region. I was born in 1989 and completed my education up to the seventh grade. After finishing school, I moved to the city in search of a better life. During my journey, I met a man, and we got married in an Islamic wedding. We were blessed with one child,…


My name is Ratifa Danford Makamba, born and raised in Rudewa, Njombe Region. I was born in 1989 and completed my education up to the seventh grade. After finishing school, I moved to the city in search of a better life. During my journey, I met a man, and we got married in an Islamic wedding. We were blessed with one child, but unfortunately, we lost the second. Facing the challenges of life, we decided to open a small shop together. However, after some time, my husband got involved with another woman, and I decided to end the marriage. Later, I opened my own grocery shop [Genge] and have been working hard to make ends meet. Now, I'm asking for your support to help me secure a loan to sustain myself and provide for my child’s education. Themain challenge I face is raising enough capital to expand my business. I need funds to buy a table, increase my stock, and purchase items like sacks of potatoes and onions in bulk instead of retail. Additionally, I struggle with paying high rent. There are many things I don't have in my shop, which causes my customers to leave empty-handed, like green bananas. If I can secure this money, it will help me increase my inventory and meet the needs of my customers.


Location and Overview The Makonde community in Mbezi Juu, Ndumbwi area, is situated on theoutskirts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's largest city and economic hub. Mbezi Juu is known for itsresidential nature, with an increasing number of middle-income and upper-middle-income householdsmoving into the area. The Ndumbwi area is more rural in nature, with many long-time residents engaged in small-scale farming and informal businesses The lifestyle in the Mbezi Juu Makonde and Ndumbwi area is a mix of urban and semi-rural living.Economic activity in the Makonde, Mbezi Juu, and Ndumbwi area is steadily growing as the areabecomes more urbanized. However, the economic landscape is varied, with a mix of traditionallivelihoods and modern businesses

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