Blandina Daniel's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Blandina Daniel Ndahani
Background & Vision
My name is Blandina Daniel. I am married and a mother of one child. My husband is a carpenter, and I make a living by sewing clothes for people using a sewing machine. However, I face several challenges in my tailoring business. One of the main issues is the distance I have to travel to reach the place where I sew; it takes…


My name is Blandina Daniel. I am married and a mother of one child. My husband is a carpenter, and I make a living by sewing clothes for people using a sewing machine. However, I face several challenges in my tailoring business. One of the main issues is the distance I have to travel to reach the place where I sew; it takes me about an hour and a half to get there on foot. I sew both men's and women's clothing. Additionally, the sewing machine I use is not mine; it belongs to someone else, so I have to pay to use it. Sometimes when I arrive, the machine is already in use by its owner, which limits the amount of work I can do. By the time I get a chance to sew, it’s often already time to head back home, which is a long walk. The challenges I’m facing include not having my own place to sew, lacking my own sewing equipment such as a sewing machine and its accessories, and needing various supplies like different types of threads, needles, measuring tape, and fabrics.


Kyembe Samaki is a developing area in Zanzibar, located along the road leading to the airport. The lifestyle here is a mix of traditional and modern influences, reflective of the broader culture of Zanzibar. The residents of Kyembe Samaki typically engage in a variety of livelihoods, including small-scale trading, fishing, and agriculture, while some work in nearby urban centers or at the airport. The lifestyle in Kyembe Samaki is relatively laid-back, with a strong sense of community. People often gather in communal spaces, such as local markets and mosques, for socializing and religious practices Many residents engage in small businesses, such as selling produce, running small shops, or engaging in artisanal crafts. The proximity to the airport also influences the local economy, with some residents employed in services related to tourism and transport. Kyembe Samaki is in a transitional phase, with ongoing development efforts in infrastructure aimed atimproving the quality of life f

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