This is a Primary Category This is a Primary Category with multiple Quests
Is it possible to overcome our biases? Is it possible to find the truth of a perspective or person? What is truly important to know?
Visionary Understanding Journey
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The problem is as beautiful as the sunset.
Explore this Quest: Understanding

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J. Krishnamurti
"The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset"

“The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset. If you are antagonistic to the problem, you will never understand. Most of us are antagonistic because we are frightened of the result, of what may happen if we proceed, so we lose the significance and the purview of the problem.”J. Krishnamurti, On Action

Miki Kashtan
"Arguments do not lead to understanding. Care and trust do."

Most of us have been trained to assume that the only way that someone’s position would shift, if at all, is through a compelling argument. Most activists that I have worked with and coached have been given extensive training in how to speak about their opinions, and see it as their work, in many instances, to convince others who may have different opinions.

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What problem are you unable to solve?
Reflect on Understanding: What problem are you unable to solve?

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What problem are you unable to solve? What are the peripheral and core elements of the problem? Are your intentions genuine? What are your secret motives? What are you evading? Gently, patiently, humbly and courageously enter into the problem and locate its heart.
What do you know? Give an example of something obvious, undeniable, certain. Is it a fact, an idea, a feeling? How do you know it is true? What evidence do you have? Is it worth believing in?
Are you able to think? Are you able to listen to views you disagree with? Are you able to see the truths of those you oppose? Are you able to locate the heart of the issue?
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When there is love the problem is simple. Otherwise, the problem is complex.
Understanding Challenge

When you reach the shore, keep going. Press onwards through unknown seas. Hunker down in the wild and forage in the deeps. Don’t disembark at the first truth. It is a truth, but only one pinnacle of truth, a single prominence rising up when the tide recedes. Premature understanding falsifies and slays the truth. Wait a while longer and more islets appear, and finally the base, from which all ascend. Dwelling there, cradling opposites, the primal elements become luminous and speak for themselves: the fruit of the wilds: healing embrace, unknowing of ignorance.

"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?'
Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand."
– Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

“Understanding someone’s suffering is the best gift you can give another person. Understanding is love’s other name. If you don’t understand, you can’t love.” Thich Nhat Hanh.
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Undertake your own Learning Journey.
Understanding Action: Undertake your own Learning Journey.
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Education is totalitarianism. Understanding is different. It is not what you decide, but how far you see and how deeply you care. It is thoughtfulness, affection and even soulfulness in the face of any social or personal issue.

Reach toward, embrace, and, for one illuminating moment, enter the heart. Behind the semblance, the living, fiery truth is there. An insight works its way through the inert. It dissolves unrecognized assumptions, entrenched biases, mindless reflexes. It liberates from bondage to appearances. It reveals secrets, resolves dilemmas, unleashes possibilities. It puts an end to isolation. It brings together subject and object. It is the deepest prayer, the ultimate happiness.
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"Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder, 'Why, why, why?'
Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand."

Kurt Vonnegut, Cat’s Cradle

"Most people think only once in their lives, usually when they are at college. After that their minds are made up, and their decisions, utterances are endless repetitions of views that have in the meantime become obsolete, outworn, unsound.”
Abraham Heschel

“What is the hardest task in the world? To think.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Intellect

Quests on Understanding
There are 3 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!
A Visionary Society Quest
Remove the scales from your eyes.
Don’t believe anything you are told. Find out for yourself.
Above all, do not lie to yourself.
Don't assume that your present choices are a permanent fact.
Don’t claim that your views are superior to others.
Find the flaw. Find out how the contrary is true.
Focus on the good. Look for the truth of another person, experience or idea.
Learn how to listen and see. Listen with compassion. See with certainty.
Goodwill and courage, humility and faith.
Find a way that all sides can agree with and that works at the heart level.
Don’t give up until you reach the heart.
Photo of Portland

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