This is a Primary Category with multiple Quests
Good Morning, Dear Beloved
Why is it we all so desperately want to be loved? Is true friendship possible?
Why is it we all so desperately want to be loved? Why do we end up alone? Is relationship without betrayal, misunderstanding and forgetfulness possible? Is true friendship possible? Is love in society possible?
Try to find out how you agree with othersaaaRelationshipaaa
Explore this Quest: Relationship

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J. Krishnamurti
"Relationship is not possible where there is greed, ambition and hope"

Relationship is not possible where there is greed, ambition and hope. Love comes only when the mind is quiet…If you have no love, you cannot resolve any social problem. You can go into politics, exhibit faith, try to reform the poor, write books or poems, but you are a dead human being.Life is a movement in relationship. Relationship is not possible where there is self-seeking. Self-seeking includes fear, greed, envy, jealousy, ambition, despair and...

John Ruskin
"Try to find out how you agree with others"

“Whenever in any religious faith, dark or bright, we allow our minds to dwell upon the points in which we differ from other people, we are wrong, and in the devil’s power…At every moment of our lives we should be trying to find out, not in what we differ from other people, but in what we agree with them; and the moment we find we can agree as to anything that should be done, kind or good, (and who but fools couldn’t?) then do it; push at it...

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What is the closest thing to love you have ever experienced?
Reflect on Relationship: What is the closest thing to love you have ever experienced?

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What is the closest thing to love you have ever experienced? What was universal about that – not tied to the particular person or experience?
Give an example of illusory love. Have you fallen in love with or been infatuated with someone for reasons that you later realized were false?
What are you willing to do for a friend? What are willing to sacrifice? What would you never give or sacrifice?
How are you the same as others? What do you have in common with other human beings? With all of life, animals and plants? With inanimate things, like rocks and air?
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Look for the higher nature in anyone, the grandeur of any living being.
Relationship Challenge

Look for the higher nature in anyone, the grandeur of any living being.
Do not mislead or take advantage of others for your own benefit.
Never give up on anyone.
Find one or two profound qualities in every person you meet.
Learn to see those who are invisible. For example, older people or those in poverty.
Focus on how you agree with others, not on how you differ.
Instead of fighting those causing harm, try help them.
Look upon harm-doers with the eyes of a mother.
Ask for depth in every relationship, at least a little.

"Most of us are lonely, and the older we get, the more lonely. We discover our emptiness, what it means to be lonely, to have no friend at all because you have led a superficial life and invested your thought, your feelings in another. Can you see all this and learn from it? Learn what it means to be lonely and not escape from it; look at it, live with it, see what is implied so that psychologically you depend on nobody. Then only will you know what it means to love."
Jiddu Krishnamurti

“What is important is to find out if you’re one of those with whom love wishes to dwell.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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New Valentine's Day and Visionary Friendship Pledge
Relationship Action: New Valentine's Day and Visionary Friendship Pledge
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Resolving the mystery of relationship is a vocation of any sensitive human being, and a journey we must take together. Join us on the quest for Relationship.

Help jumpstart this Quest in your community. Learn about events, including gatherings to explore what is real relationship, including our evening Celebration of the Good. Prepare for an alternative to Valentine's Day. And find out about Friendshape, to review our intact and broken relationships.
True relationship exists
It’s necessary to proclaim the existence of true relationship: that is, mutuality, communion, genuine understanding, and truly collaborative action.
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What is true relationship?
Every interaction is an opportunity to grasp the mystery of separateness and unity. Visionary friendship is a response to the mystery of isolation, loss, mortality. At every stage, the temporal must be countered with the universal.
Never give up on a relationship
All relationships are subject to decay. All can be broken, forgotten, betrayed. And all can be redeemed. Agree to resolve ALL relationships.
Why are we in the West so hard?
Why are we in the West so hard? Why are Cambodians so gentle? What makes gentleness possible?
The mystery of relationship

Old Vimeo intro. Re-record.
Why are we in the West so hard? Why are Cambodians so gentle?

Why are we in the West so hard? Why are Cambodians so gentle? What makes gentleness possible? (Longer version)

"Without any formal scheme or written laws, we have agreed to regard ourselves as one family."

Oneida Community
Quests on Relationship
There are 1 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!
Photo of Portland

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