Conflict At Gaza Fence: The Great March Of Return (Spring 2018)
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Yossi Klein Halevi
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Primary Resource: Link: How Israelis See the World NYT, By Yossi Klein Halevi May 4, 2018 (Edit)
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Primary Resource: Link: The Gaza Violence: How Extremism Corrupts David Brooks, NYT, May 17 2018 (Edit)
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Other Resource: Link: The Nonviolent Violence of Hamas Hussein Ibish, Forgin Policy, April 6, 2018 (Edit)
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Other Resource: Text: Miscellaneous internet comments - Pro-Israel
Miscellaneous internet comments - Pro-Israel

This is what happens when you're actively trying to kill people in a country that has one of the most well equipped armies in the world.
But you obviously believe that this is somehow proof of Israel being the bad guy here which is obviously fallacious.
If Palestinians had access to Israeli level armament, we would see an instant genocide.
The fact that Israel is infinitely more powerful militarily than Palestine and still hasn't wiped out Palestine completely from the face off the earth, does show incredible restraint. Israel has had to deal with suicide bombers, knife attackers and rocket attacks for decades now, while all it would take from Israel is 1 press of a button and none of these problems would exist anymore.
Imagine being by far the strongest guy in school and some little frail kid keeps harassing you, you would knock him out immediately as would any other person in your position.

It's taken nearly a lifetime for me to realize that peace between these two peoples will not occur in my lifetime (or ever), because sick hyper-narcissists like Trump and Netanyahu don't give a damn about the Palestinians or their right to sovereignty. As long as the abhorrently self-righteous land-grabbing horde (the Israelis) prevail in wanton aggression against a people made desperate for freedom and a space of their own (the Palestinians), peace will not occur. P.S.: The Israelis, by their ceaseless belligerence, have forfeited their right to security.

Israel is blameless, I wonder if the barbarian Palestinians find their ludicrous protesting worth the deaths and anguish caused!
Perhaps someday, far in the future, they will learn civility and remorse, or will they continue to support Terrorism and protests, as their numbers slowly dwindle!

I am not overtly pro-Israel and I'm not trying to say that Palestinians don't have a claim to lands that used to be under their controls - but is it a likely outcome that the Jewish people will be expelled from modern day Israel and it fully become a nation called Palestine? That would require a full on, take no prisoners war, one that Israel, with a modern military, is unlikely to lose.
So we're in this situation where Gaza is a mess and people are willing to martyr themselves to show injustice is being done. But is this an effective form of retaliation? Israel, objectively on the world stage is a sovereign nation, with borders it must defend. It's doing so with brutal tactics, but how else will you deter the masses from Gaza from overrunning the fences besides showing that there will be lethal consequences?
It's a massive quagmire. It's sad and horrid on all accounts. So what is a solution to end the bloodshed?

I agree with you totally. I think they know they will never breach the border, and instead are sacrificing their own citizens to sway international opinion.
They've been instructed to bring knives and guns to try and kill and capture Israeli civilians.
It's not a protest it's a shitty invasion. The purpose of the invasion is to increase the Arab death count, and stoke outrage in the West.

Comment May 13 2018
I probably shouldn't even comment. Not a Trump voter, not Jewish.

I don't applaud ethnic oppression. But, when it comes to Israel and Palestine, it's rare that I read an article that appears to strive toward journalistic integrity.

The headline here makes it sound like the Israeli army is mowing down "protesters." In reality, thousands of people are trying to cross a sovereign border, under the theory that if enough of them do it at once, they can't or won't be stopped. That's not a protest. It sounds a lot like suicide-by-cop, just scaled up.

Would the army be firing live rounds if there were not an attempt to over-run the border en masse? No. Do many of the individuals attempting to enter Israel wish death and destruction upon Jews? Yes.

Again, not Jewish, not generally pro-Israel, not pro-Trump. Pretty sure almost any country in the world would open fire at its border under comparable circumstances.


Primary Resource: Link: Israel Needs to Protect Its Borders. By Whatever Means Necessary. NYT, by Shmuel Rosner, May 18 2018 (Edit)
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