What is Understanding?
Category: Visionary society

Understanding is not education or teaching, the imparting of knowledge. That is archaic, a kind of totalitarianism. Yes, we can absorb facts and ideas, but they bounce back uselessly. It’s as if we were blindfolded, able to see only shapes and shadows. We have biases we are not aware of. We seldom see what is in right front of us, see it for what it . The animating principle, the secret message, the ultimate result.
Understanding is different. It is not what you decide, but how far you see and how deeply you care. It is thoughtfulness, affection and even soulfulness in the face of any social or personal issue.
There is always a place for being aware. Talking with a friend, walking down the street, surfing the Internet, watching a film, sitting in a classroom – it doesn’t matter. Nothing exists solely for its own stake, and nothing stands or falls on its own. Take a moment to reflect on the ramifications of what you do.
Enter a still, silent space. Simply seeing a point of view that is not your own is already most of the way. There is always a heart of gold, even if it is covered in mud.
Enter the heart, gently, patiently, humbly, courageously. Question all assumptions, including belief and instinct. Ask questions that matter. What does it stand for? What is its goal? What is its effect on people, society, nature? Does it lead to or diminish freedom, beauty, relationship?
☆ Experience it on its own terms. When you finally see it for what it is, it’s power over you disappears and you can operate with freedom. If you go far enough, finding the original cause, the essential elements, you will resolve a problem before it starts.
Reach toward, embrace, and, for one illuminating moment, enter the heart. Behind the semblance, the living, fiery truth is there. An insight works its way through the inert. It dissolves unrecognized assumptions, entrenched biases, mindless reflexes. It liberates from bondage to appearances. It reveals secrets, resolves dilemmas, unleashes possibilities. It puts an end to isolation. It brings together subject and object. It is the deepest prayer, the ultimate happiness.

How to understanding anything.

Decide to find the truth. Love understanding.
Decide to look within, underneath, beyond, not just once but continually.
Be willing to sacrifice for it, and to undergo test and trial.
Do not lie to yourself. Remove the scales from your eyes.
Find out for yourself. Don’t believe you are told. Question your assumptions, beliefs, influences and biases. (The great no.)
Combat whatever is given by nature, culture, ideology.
Do not appeal to or blame leaders.
Do not look to government or business for a solution.
Conceive of the mystery. What enigma lies at the root? Ask the impossible question.
Learn how to see, to listen.

Find the flaw. Find out how the contrary is true.
Focus on the good. Everything has an element of truth. Find the good in what you disagree with.
Find the center, the motive, purpose, goal and soul.
Look right into its heart, and rest there.
Look for the truth of another person or perspective, especially if it differs from your own.

Instead of looking for or demanding change, ask for understanding. Seek mutual agreement.
Look for the grandeur of a human being.
Instead of looking for or demanding change, ask for understanding. Seek mutual agreement.
Ask for contrition, reflection, empathy.
Address the full range of needs and interests, including spirituality, adventurousness, solidarity, equality, idealism (See more from Erich Fromm)
Don’t claim that your views are superior to others.

Don't assume that our present choices are a permanent fact. Don't assume the permanent existence of factions.
Address underlying causes first, then external needs. (The opposite of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.)
Don’t give up until you reach the heart.
You have not finished a topic until you have resolved it, until the 'enigma' has been resolved.
Transform the dynamics of the problem at the root
Find a way that all sides can agree with.
Find a way that works at the heart level.
Find transcendent qualities in the particular, the good, beautiful and sacred.
Find what unites us. See how we are the same as others, not different.
Act at the level at which harm is being generated.

A great insight matters little unless and until we bring it into the world
Action is the final and necessary step in Quest. What kind of action? It doesn’t matter much, as long as it is offered publicly and in a way that breaks through pleasantries, addresses the root issue, and creates a climate of affection and reflection.
How it works
• Share the Quest in any public or quasi-public space.
• Hand out an Invitation card or pamphlet. Ask them to enter a process of thoughtfulness about an issue that affects the Place they are using.
• Any social problem can be resolved at the root level.
• Invitations work by creating awareness. The more people we invite, the more momentum there is.
• It is always possible to reach the heart of the protagonist.
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