Guide needed for Beautiful Books
Category: Culture

Do you believe beauty, good and truth exist, that it is possible to find out what these are and to defend them in popular culture? Join us in creating Beautiful Books. Beautiful Books has readings, discussion and performances of works that are considered beautiful by members.
There should be a central location for the event, possibly at the public library. There could also be a gathering in the main city public square, and secondary events in cafes and theaters.
There are a number of ways to get involved. Explore whatever interests you. Delegate as many tasks as possible to volunteers.

Develop and manage the Beautiful Books event.
City-wide publicity to build awareness of the event.
Seek support from arts organizations.
Delegate as many tasks as possible to volunteers. Additional stipends are available for this.
Help collect a list of potential films, performances, monuments and works of any kind that are ‘beautiful’ - a historical era or event, and anything.
Develop and act on a strategy for publicity, including holding at least one meeting and getting volunteers involved.

Plan for meetings
– Review Beautiful Books principles
– Discuss options for potential performances and events (see Resources for ideas on this).
– Decide on the kinds of performances (and possibly the specific works) we will be presenting.
– Begin to decide on the readers, performers and actual works (readings, films, paintings, performances, etc.) that will be highlighted at the event. There should also be opportunities for individuals to add their own). 

General Publicity
City-wide publicity is of particular importance. We need to build awareness over a period of months leading up to the events, on radio, newspapers, etc., and then make a special effort during the week of the Events.
– Publicize Beautiful Books throughout town, in as many ways as feasible (including flyers, ads, distribution of cards and flyers, etc.) Post flyers at café, libraries and bookstores and more.

Develop the marketing tools
We need all the materials, posters, flyers that we will present to the public and interested parties, including design work, developing the proofs and publishing, to create engaging, quality posters or flyers.
Press releases.

Seek support from arts organizations
Contact local arts organizations. Ask them to support and collaborate with Beautiful Books and participate in events, including providing locations for the event. Work with them for practical planning. Include libraries, bookstores, cinemas, theaters, college departments of dance, music, speech and theatre arts.

Helpful qualifications
Belief in what we’re doing.
Knowledge of a variety of local arts organizations.
Communications skills (for example, radio shows, TV, newspaper). Contacts radio and television desirable.
Marketing skills, including creating posters, press releases and ads.

Become a Visionary Society Guide
Please complete this form and submit a resume. Feel free to conact us with questions.
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Why are you interested in becoming a Guide?*
What do you see as being the purpose of Visionary News? Of Visionary Society?
Where do you want to publish the paper?*
How often would you like to publish the paper?(Recommended: quarterly)
What skills or talents do you have that would make you a good Guide?*

What special interests do you have that you would like to focus on?*
Your name*
Email address*
Phone number*

A great insight matters little unless and until we bring it into the world
Action is the final and necessary step in Quest. What kind of action? It doesn’t matter much, as long as it is offered publicly and in a way that breaks through pleasantries, addresses the root issue, and creates a climate of affection and reflection.
How it works
• Share the Quest in any public or quasi-public space.
• Hand out an Invitation card or pamphlet. Ask them to enter a process of thoughtfulness about an issue that affects the Place they are using.
• Any social problem can be resolved at the root level.
• Invitations work by creating awareness. The more people we invite, the more momentum there is.
• It is always possible to reach the heart of the protagonist.
Learn more