Perspectives on 'Jiddu Krishnamurti’s view on Understanding'
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J. Krishnamurti
"The art of learning is to instantly perceive what is said"
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Topic: Jiddu Krishnamurti’s view on Understanding

The art of learning is to instantly perceive what is said

“The art of learning is to instantly perceive what is said, whether it is true or false and to see in the false the truth. This means to have a very quick mind and a sensitive brain. If it is loaded with information of what other people - philosophers, teachers, searched books and your gurus - have said, then that brain is clogged.”
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How to Explore a Perspective
Relax, focus. Take a step back and look at the Perspective from all sides. Now, zero in at the center!
What is the Bias?
What assumptions does it make? Whose interests does it serve?

What is your Personal Experience?
How does it make you feel? How do your experiences, privileges, and personal interests affect your understanding of it?
Now, enter the heart
▶ Say something good about what you disagree with, even if there are flaws.
▶ Find causes, not symptoms. Ask what lies at the root.
▶ Have respect for people with different views, insights, and priorities!
Opinion added by
Visionary Society
on April 09, 2021
This is the opinion of J. Krishnamurti
J. Krishnamurti
"Understanding is danger"
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Topic: Jiddu Krishnamurti’s view on Understanding

Understanding is danger

“Understanding is now or never; it is a destructive flash, not a tame affair; it is this shattering that one is afraid of and so one avoids it, knowingly or unknowingly. Understanding may alter the course of one’s life, the way of thought and action; it may be pleasant or not but understanding is a danger to all relationships. But without understanding, sorrow will continue.”
Krishnamurti’s notebook

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How to Explore a Perspective
Relax, focus. Take a step back and look at the Perspective from all sides. Now, zero in at the center!
What is the Bias?
What assumptions does it make? Whose interests does it serve?

What is your Personal Experience?
How does it make you feel? How do your experiences, privileges, and personal interests affect your understanding of it?
Now, enter the heart
▶ Say something good about what you disagree with, even if there are flaws.
▶ Find causes, not symptoms. Ask what lies at the root.
▶ Have respect for people with different views, insights, and priorities!
Opinion added by
Visionary Society
on April 09, 2021
This is the opinion of J. Krishnamurti