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, dddddd
by vision on August 16, 2015


By Visionary Society on 2015 08 16
From the entry 'Forced listening to music and advertising is sinister, , '.

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Banned Books makes a point of condemning the way censored books were burned in previous generations (they always select admirable books, like Huckleberry Finn or Brave New World, of course). Can we build an opposite idea, in which wonderful books that could iconically represent Beautiful Books? What would this look like?

, dddddd
by on March 25, 2017

Banned Books makes a point of condemning the way censored books were burned in previous generations (they always select admirable books, like Huckleberry Finn or Brave New World, of course). Can we build an opposite idea, in which wonderful books that could iconically represent Beautiful Books? What would this look like?

By Geoff on 2017 03 25
From the entry 'What is good, uplifting, beautiful culture?, , '.

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