The great no
The Great no is un-knowing, un-saying and rejection of everything. It is cracking the egg, initiation and rebirth. It is test and trial. It is breaking the archetype, throwing off the veil.
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Question everything, especially publicly exhorted views and the narrative controlled by the powers that be. Go deeper. Question your identity, instincts, and beliefs. Refuse to participate in anything that is false, illusory, idolatrous, illusion, trivial or degraded. Avoid artificial sources of mood changes. Do not glorify the tangential. Stop peer consciousness. Do not succumb to the pressure of the everyday. Conquer the strange lethargy that fortifies mere self.

How much are you willing to give up? Will you stop wasting your life on trivial pursuits? Stop adulating leaders, especially celebrities and politicians? Stop participating in the superficial, illusory, idolatrous, degraded and violent? Will you submit to inconvenience, suspense, uncertainty? How far do you want to go?

The Great No is the first step in becoming Visionary Citizen.

– No electronic media (Televsion, Internet, cell phones…)
– No politics, religion, nationalism.
– No materialism (Buying or selling).
– No artificial mood changes (Recorded music, drugs or alcohol…)
– No small talk, gossip, entertainment, media.

Public Action

The Great No event is a day for non-participation in corporate life, in mass media, in belief systems, in organizations – and especially in the subtle ways that we have integrated with views and motives that have been imposed from outside.
The Great No encourages sovereignty in as many ways as possible: from culture and politics, to everything that seems natural and inevitable, all trivia and sham, all unquestioned obedience.
As long as we follow the rules of society and blindly obey our natural impulses, we can never be free. All of society – the media, politics, education – dominates us. How can we know what is important or what is real? At least one time in our life we have to take a step away, a giant step, and find out for ourselves.
Stop . All time-wasters. All self-glorification. The way you think of your own happiness.

Do not escape.
Do not lie to yourself.
Be willing to suffer.
Fight for inner liberty.
Don’t believe anything you are told.
Resist every automatism.
Put an end to banality.
Recognize your mediocrity.
No politics, nationalism, religion.
No authority, no ideology. No philosophy. No teacher. No belief.
No small talk, gossip, entertainment.

Resist all forms of external determinism, including biology, culture and ideology. Refuse to participate in anything that is false, illusory, idolatrous, illusion, trivial or degraded. Avoid artificial sources of mood changes. Do not glorify the tangential. Stop peer consciousness. Do not succumb to the pressure of the everyday. Conquer the strange lethargy that fortifies mere self.

Get started
Essays on the Great No.
We’re looking for a Guide for this Proposal. A stipend for volunteers ($100 - $250) is available. Application.


To learn more, visit the Quest Spirituality.
Quests are a way to grasp any topic, from Mystery to Perspectives to Reflect to Action


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The great no
A Visionary Society Project
The Great no is un-knowing, un-saying and rejection of everything. It is cracking the egg, initiation and rebirth. It is test and trial. It is breaking the archetype, throwing off the veil.
Photo of Portland

Do not escape.
Don’t believe anything you are told.
Do not lie to yourself.
No politics, nationalism, religion.
No authority, no ideology. No philosophy. No teacher. No belief.
No small talk, gossip, entertainment.
Throw your life into question.

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