What is Visionary money?
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Proposals are a way to create something new in the world that addresses a social problem at the root level.

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Proposals are a Meaningful Solution to a Social Problem

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Money is magic. It’s a lucky charm, a talisman, a nomadic object. What can we do with it? Achieve personal happiness? Or can we go all the way?
The great thing about money is that we can do anything with it, or so it seems. We skip down the yellow brick road, picking up baubles. How far should we go with it? Just far enough for food and shelter? For computers and cars, entertainment and travel? Or can we go all the way, anywhere, everywhere, everything?

This is a Visionary society primary category – a part of life that everyone has to deal with in one way or another. Maybe it would be best if we did so intentionally, by understanding the system in which we are immersed, what our alternatives are, and a visionary solution, one that makes the world better.

We're not going to get everything done in one meeting obviously. But we can get started...
Origin of the idea

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