Support socially responsible investing for the Alaska Permanent Dividend
Inactive Project
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Proposals are a Meaningful Solution to a Social Problem

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This Proposal is currently Inactive. Activate it when you are ready to submit it to the community.
Goals of this Proposal:
1. Put together a report on how the fund is used.
2. Create an online petition to gather popular support for the ethical use of the funds.
3. Take additional steps to publicize this issue, such as asking for an appearance on local media (radio stations, etc.) and writing an article for Anchorage Visionary News.
All Alaskans benefit from the Alaska Permanent Dividend, receiving on average more than $1,000 per person. The fund currently has about $67 billion in assets, much of this invested in the stock market and real estate holdings around the world. Because we benefit from it we are also responsible for how it is used. We should not allow investments in areas with harmful social effects, such as alcohol, tobacco, fast food, gambling, pornography, weapons, contraception and abortion, fossil fuel production or the military.
Origin of the idea

Steps are stages along the way to completing a Proposal. Click "Explore the Step" to find additional information and contribute to the discussion.
Amount to be raised: $500 asdf;lkasdj fl;askdjf asl;kdfjasdfalskdfj asl;dkfja sdlkjsa df

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Payment are made on secure fundrasing sites

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