Stake your life on something
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Proposals are a Meaningful Solution to a Social Problem

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Dedication to the real is defeat of the bland state of the public mind. It is a new social contract, reassigning our allegiance, writing the constitution with our life, generating and establishing Visionary society.
What is worth living for? What is false and what is real in your life? What is the secret of existence?

How does one become a Visionary citizen? It's awfully simple, in a sense. All that we need is to that world. Not occassionally or half-heartedly, but contantly and thoroughly. Not just intellectually, but with heart and soul. What does that mean? It means staking our life on the existence of a transcendent reality.
What does that mean? Don’t waste this one life that you have. Be discontented. Be unreasonable. Take risks for the sake of your soul. Make a firm promise to become capable of the good, the true, the beautiful, and to do so in your actual life: work, celebration, relationship, citizenship. Stake your entire being on it. And don’t forget to celebrate that you are on a path that truly matters.
Origin of the idea

Steps are stages along the way to completing a Proposal. Click "Explore the Step" to find additional information and contribute to the discussion.

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