Reconciliation of Refugees from Exile
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Proposals are a Meaningful Solution to a Social Problem

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The 2020 post election period in Burundi opened an opportunity for those who fled the country in 2015 crisis to return to Burundi. Two convoys from Mahama Refugee's Camp in Rwanda returned back to Burundi on September 7, 2020. Those coming from Tanzania never ceased to return back during the election period. Those living in RD Congo claimed to come back to. Through workshops and dialogues, this project will bring reconciliation between returnees and those who stayed in their home communities.

The human-driven impacts of biodiversity loss, climate change, and resource degradation have far-reaching effects on human, animal, and ecosystem health. It is often the poorest regions of the world that carry the heaviest burden of this strain. Gender inequalities leave women in particular with less access to resources making them exceptionally vulnerable to natural disasters, disease, and food insecurity - all consequences of our overtaxed planet.


Many women in remote areas of Tanzania spend their days navigating between human, domestic animal, and wildlife interfaces and have a unique perspective on ecosystem balance. The Women's EARTH project harnesses this collective knowledge and places opportunity and solutions in the hands of women at the vanguard of human, animal, and ecosystem health. Working collaboratively, these women will identify and implement practical One Health solutions, enabling communities and nature to thrive.

Long-Term Impact

Contributing to the women's EARTH project (WEP) will provide funds to establish a network of WEP hubs focused on peer-to-peer training in One Health. Strengthened by this collective network, Women's EARTH graduates will continue to work at the local level to identify and develop practical interventions to solve human, animal, and ecosystem health challenges, while expanding their efforts to promote women-led health and conservation initiatives across Tanzania's Southern Highlands region.
Origin of the idea

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