Art in every home (and business)
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Proposals are a Meaningful Solution to a Social Problem

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Art, creativity and beauty is a natural part of everyone's life. We need to expand our concept of art, the way it is used and the way it is available to the population. Should original art be available only to the wealthy? We need to make it less expensive and more freely available. To begin, let's put one piece of art in every home!
There are many ways we can produce more art. The availability of art is often suppressed in order to keep prices high and to make it exclusive. Let's make it inclusive. Let's uncover the old art stashed away in basements and attics. For example, original lithographs, engravings, woodcuts can be produced in much greater quantity.
Origin of the idea

Proposal Type & Period
Type: Improve an Institution.
Period: {project-length}.
"Art is not found only in the painter's studio or in the halls of a museum, it also has its place in the store, the shop, the factory, and the home...
Resource in "Art in every home (and business)"
"Art is not found only in the painter's studio or in the halls of a museum, it also has its place in the store, the shop, the factory, and the home...

In fact, when art is reserved as the province of professional artists, a dangerous gulf develops between the fine arts and the everyday arts. The fine arts are elevated and set apart from life, becoming too precious and therefore irrelevant. Having banished art to the museum, we fail to give it a place in ordinary life. One of the most effective forms of repression is to give a thing excessive honor."

Thomas Moore, "Care for the Soul."

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Impromptu Opera in market
Sacla' the Pesto Pioneers planted five secret opera singers disguised as casual shoppers and store staff among the groceries, who broke into song, bringing the London supermarket to a standstill with a rousing rendition of the Italian classic Funiculì, Funiculà. Link Edit
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Steps are stages along the way to completing a Proposal. Click "Explore the Step" to find additional information and contribute to the discussion.

We need to gather hundreds or thousands of pieces of original art.
We need a significant number of galleries and museums to assist in developing this project and to set aside space and resources for it.
Develop and offer forums, classes and places for ordinary people – those without training in art – to create pieces of art for others.
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