Elasto Kisile's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Elasto Kisile Mwangoka
Background & Vision
My name is Elasto Kisle Mwangoka. I was born in 1979 and started school in 1987 when both my parents were still alive. Unfortunately, my father passed away while I was still in school, and I had to drop out. I decided to take up banana farming. After my father when I was 22 years old. Later, I got married and continued…


My name is Elasto Kisle Mwangoka. I was born in 1979 and started school in 1987 when both my parents were still alive. Unfortunately, my father passed away while I was still in school, and I had to drop out. I decided to take up banana farming. After my father when I was 22 years old. Later, I got married and continued farming bananas, cassava, and watermelons. I now live with my family, which includes five children, some of whom are still in school, relying on this banana farming. However, it doesn't meet all the needs for school expenses and our overall living costs are very difficult. I am requesting assistance to purchase inputs such as fertilizers and manure, tools, and pesticides seeds and seedlings, Equipment’s such as hoes Rakes, spades wheel barrows, Storage facility and sacks so that I can achieve my goals. Especially to expand more my farming activities. The income I currently earn is very small, so I need support to improve my farming and sustain my family.


Location and Geography: Itagata Village is located in Rungwe District, within the Mbeya Region of southwestern Tanzania. The area is known for its rich, fertile soils and beautiful natural surroundings, including the lush greenery of the Rungwe Mountains. The fertile volcanic soils and abundant rainfall in the region make it ideal for growing crops such as bananas, tea, coffee, maize, beans, and vegetables. • Farming is done by most households, and both subsistence and cash crops are grown. Many farmers in the community rely on small-scale farming to support their families, with surplus crops sold in local markets or exported to nearby towns and in the city of Dar Es salaam • Itagata is a rural community with a relatively small population compared to urban areas. Life here is centred around farming, community events, and daily activities that involve cooperation among families and neighbours. • The village has a strong sense of community and family ties. People often engage in communal farming activities and celebrations, such as harvest festivals and traditional gatherings. • Infrastructure development is relatively limited, though there have been improvements in recent years. Roads connecting the village to nearby towns are often unpaved and can become difficult to use during the rainy season. • Water is usually sourced from rivers, streams, or wells, and some households may face challenges accessing clean drinking water. Health services in the village are basic. There is usually a local dispensary that provides primary healthcare services, but more complex medical care requires travel to Rungwe or Mbeya town.

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