GLADNESS's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Background & Vision
My name is Gladness Joseph Laizer, and I am a mother of three children. My education is limited to the third grade of primary school because I had to drop out due to our poor economic situation at home. I was forced to leave school to do odd jobs and contribute to the family's income. I was fortunate to get married, but…


My name is Gladness Joseph Laizer, and I am a mother of three children. My education is limited to the third grade of primary school because I had to drop out due to our poor economic situation at home. I was forced to leave school to do odd jobs and contribute to the family's income. I was fortunate to get married, but unfortunately, my husband did not care for the family at all. Therefore, I had to engage in small businesses to earn an income and support my children.I started by selling oranges and other fruits, then moved on to selling packaged water and ice. Later, I began selling rice. When that business became very difficult, I started selling animal feed, which eventually led me to the flour business, which I am still doing today. On March 23rd , 2023, I lost my co-parent, and now I am both the mother and father to my children. This flour business is what I rely on for our livelihood.


I am surrounded by a community of many low-income people, but it is a community filled withlove and mutual support for every hardship we face. Many people in the community work as casual labourers, while others run small shops and stalls. The town is new, less than ten years old, and most residents are newcomers who moved after their homes were demolished by the government to expand the rapid transit railway. Consequently, many people had to start their lives anew. Essential infrastructure is still lacking; there is no major hospital, so residents rely on small clinics. Large roads are still under construction, and there is no established water supply system, so many locals use traditional wells, while others purchase water from trucks.

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