RAJABU's progress shaping Visionary Society
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Photo of RAJABU
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Background & Vision
My name is Rajabu Duke. I studied up to Form 3, but unfortunately, my parents passed away, and I couldn't continue with school. I had a talent for drawing since I was in school. Later, my uncle encouraged me to pursue drawing as a career. However, before starting to learn drawing with him, I already had a family with two…


My name is Rajabu Duke. I studied up to Form 3, but unfortunately, my parents passed away, and I couldn't continue with school. I had a talent for drawing since I was in school. Later, my uncle encouraged me to pursue drawing as a career. However, before starting to learn drawing with him, I already had a family with two children. I was concerned about how I would provide for my children while learning to draw, so I continued with my small businesses while learning the craft. I had previously given up my job selling porridge. Before fully committing to drawing, I would spend my mornings learning to draw until 3 PM. After that, I would go to Kariakoo and Tandale to buy oranges, which I sold in the streets, returning home by 7 PM. I followed this routine for six months until I became proficient at drawing. Once I started drawing professionally, I sold my artwork, including many Maasai portraits and various other pieces. Although my business was starting to thrive, I realized that without a steady flow of work or inventory, it wasn't profitable enough. Now, I am seeking additional capital to increase the volume of my artwork so I can better support my family, which now includes five children.


The community around me consists mainly of people with very low incomes, most of whom are locals. They rely on small businesses, such as running small shops, selling items on the streets, selling fruits, and selling water on the streets. There are also many tenants who rent houses from the locals. These tenants, like myself, have very low incomes and choose to live here because the houses are not in good condition, some lacking electricity, making the rent affordable. Additionally, this area has a severe water shortage due to limited supply. As a result, many locals have dug their own wells and run businesses selling water.

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