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A Pledge is thoughtfulness about your profession
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Take this Pledge

Taking a Pledge is agreeing to simple, basic thoughtfulness in a profession. It is a new kind of Hippocratic Oath - a dynamic, active way to think about and decide on what you do and how you operate in your working life.

– Taking the Pledge does not mean that you agree with each (or any) perspectives.
– Decide on each Pledge perspective separately.
– Deactivate the Pledge itself at any time.
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I am not a member of this profession, but want to show my support for this Pledge
(Should we have location select here? Otherwise the list of places would be too long. Or should the place select be on the Place page?)


Pledge Perspectives

Explore each perspective and vote on it.
Which do you support? How can you help others and make the community better? 
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Add a Perspective to this Topic Session
Perspectives are simple statements on any perspective or opinion about the Topic. Our goal is to present a wide variety of varying opinions - both for and against a situation - so users can explore and decide on the Topic as a whole.

► Try to include a variety of Perspectives, including those you absolutely disagree with. The fact that you've added a Perspective doesn't mean you agree with it!
► A Perspective is any point of view. It could be something insightful and inspiring, or blunt and unexpected.
► Don't include backup facts or longer explanations or justifications - use Resources for that.

Before adding a Perspective, please look at those already listed on this page and vote on them.

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Pledge Resources ()

Resources in this Pledge. Visit an individual Pledge Perspective for relevant Resources.
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Add a Resource
Is there an inspiring speech, talk, insight, play, song, painting or performance that you would like to share?

Resources may be from a famous writer, a friend or teacher, a comment in a blog, a brilliant recording, a great poem, or anything else!
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Begin by exploring and voting on Pledge Perspectives.
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Create Project
What do you want to share with the community?
What do you want to see in the world?
How do you want to make the world better?
– Projects are a way to create something new in the world that addresses a social problem at the root level.
– Select a Quest related to the underlying issue. You will receive monthly updates with insights and action opportunities in that area.
– Projects should be beneficial to others, by providing a practical or lasting benefit.
– Choose the options you need to create the experience you want. You may ask for support, schedule a meeting, raise funds, or anything else.

Local possibilities
Ask for volunteers. Publicize a meeting. Raise funds. Give a ride. Help with a shower or clothing.
Overseas possibilities
Money for school or training. Encourage non-profit organizations to offer assitance. Send books.
– An existing organization.
– A Visionary Society Project.
– Ask for volunteers.
– Have you started your own project that you'd like to share?
What interests, skills or insights (and other resources) can you offer or share with the community?
– Teach something or offer an experience.
– Schedule a meeting on a topic of importance.
– Do you have a specific skill, such as crafts, art, construction, cooking, life coaching, financial guidance?
– Teach something
– Tell a story about something you care about.
– Share your views about how to make your community better.
Ask community members to help with a cause. Promote any task, action or event. Offer anything you believe in, anyway, anyhow.
Enter a title
Social Issue*
Specific Type*
What is the purpose of this Project?
Add an Image (Optional)
After submitting you will be directed to the Edit page, where you can review and add features to your Proposal. When you are satisfied with it, press 'Activate'.
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Invitation Card

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and give to any
and to anyone who might support it.

Offer a true welcome for an idea you believe in!