Introduce yourself and Visionary News to the manager or owner of each place. Ask to spend just a minute or two introducing Visionary News and Society to them.
→ Before going to a business or organization make sure that the pages are added correctly.
→ Describe Visionary News briefly, in not more than a minute. TEXT HERE.
→ Give them a copy of the paper and display holder, and ask where you can put it in a prominent (or at least visible) place.
→ Offer to publish a business card size advertisement at 50% off ($20 instead of the already low price of $40) in the next edition.
→ Give them the brochure for Places, explaining what further steps they can take.
Sample brochures.
→ After (a period of time) send an email or call them, thanking them for displaying Visionary News and telling them about more they can so.
Sample letter.
How Invitations work.
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Places the paper is distributed
Click in white box to select last distribution date and then select 'Date distributed'.