Chose one day a week to shop at local, small businesses only
Shopping locally improves the economy and community in many ways. Vote with the way you spend your money. Buy from companies committed to creating a better world. Support local businesses, local food, and the local economy.
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There are many ways to use and spend your money for good. A good start is spending it locally. Buy from local farmers, at markets, cooperatives, or anywhere locally produced food is available. Shop at locally owned shops, or at stores where goods are made locally. And buy from companies who demonstrate a commitment to creating a better world.

There are many reasons to shop locally. Significantly more money re-circulates in the local economy. Unique business are an important part of local character. Environmental impact is reduced. Most new jobs are provided by local businesses. Customer service is often more informed. Local business owners invest in our community. Competition and diversity makes for better consumer choices.

See Portland Local Food. com, a "one stop online guide to finding local & organic food in/around Portland, Oregon. Our goal is to make it easy for you to find great local sources for your food by bringing together as many resources as possible on one website."

Invest your money locally. Bank with local credit unions and community banks. See ‘Move your money’ (

Support small, local and organic food businesses. See the Slow Money movement ( “Our goal: one million Americans investing one percent of their money in local food systems, within a decade. We think this is the path towards an economy that is healthier, fairer, more balanced, more sustainable.”



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