Love In The Library
A Quest in the category Education
What is the purpose of the library?
Is it possible for love to exist in institutions?
What does it mean to ‘learn’?
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Love in the library
A Visionary Society Quest
Photo of Portland

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“A great library cannot be entered by one of refinement in thought and aspiration without a certain feeling of awe. Surrounded by the productions of genius, the elegance of art, the delights of the mind, it is but natural that in the quiet, silent library, reverence should possess the soul.”

Richard Skinner, November 1861

“One place…remains open to everybody. The public library requires nothing of its visitors: no purchases, no membership fees, no dress code. You can stay all day, and you don’t have to buy anything. You don’t need money or a library card to access a multitude of on-site resources that includes books, e-books and magazines, job-hunting assistance, computer stations, free Wi-Fi, and much more. And the library will never share or sell your personal data.” National Endowmen for the Humanities

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