Be a Guide for any political issue
Category: Politics

Is there a political issue you'd like to help transform? Hold a meeting or stage a Public action!

Hold a meeting on a political issue
– Publicize the meeting.
– Explore, helping participants entertain positions they oppose. Add Perspectives and Resources.
– Facilitate Reflect, in which participants to think about their own biases and experiences.
– Talking circle to think about the roots of the problem and a transformative resolution.
– Finally, prepare for a Public action.

Public action and Citywide engagement
Public action can take place in a public square or space, engaging the public in basic questions about how to approach political issues. Share how there is another way to resolve divisive, polarized issues. Show how it is possible to resolve political issues in a visionary way, with humility, respect, insight, and courage.

Meetings should create a climate of affection and reflection, and demonstrate that it is possible to resolve political issues in a visionary way, with humility, respect, insight, and courage.

Stipend available: $200 and up.
How to turn a political issue Into a quest.

Become a Visionary Society Guide
Please complete this form and submit a resume. Feel free to contact us with questions.
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Why are you interested in becoming a Guide?*
Where do you live?*
What skills or talents do you have that would make you a good Guide?*
What special interests do you have that you would like to focus on?*
Your name*
Email address*
Phone number*

What is a Guide?
Want to help create Visionary society in your community? Select a project that you care about.
A Guide is sensitive to the lives of others, an alternative to the myriad of professionals who are paid to compensate for dysfunction: security guards, police, therapists, psychiatrists, social service workers, life coaches, shamans. Guides are catalysts.
Most important, the Guide provides moral support and facilitates communication with anyone interested in the project.
Are you interested? This position is right for you if:
• You want to take an active role in bringing thoughtfulness and awareness to your community.
• You have decent written communication skills.
• You understand and support the work of Visionary Society, and have a special interest in this Project.

(Make sure Action description appears here if article is not for Guides)