This is a Primary Category This is a Primary Category with multiple Quests
Is there something greater than we ourselves? Does truth, good and beauty exist?
Can spirituality reform the acquisitive spirit? Can it exist without dogma, authority or belief? Is anything sacred anymore?
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What is the soul?
Does soul exist? This is not a silly or hopeless question. Soul is sensitivity to other people, to life, to nature and to the inner world. Soul is the sublime. What’s that? The grand, majestic, transcendent, powerful, and real.
Who needs spirituality?
Is anything sacred anymore? Is there anything greater than ourselves? Can spirituality reform the acquisitive spirit? Can it exist without dogma, authority or belief? Does truth, good and beauty exist?
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"Spirituality means aliveness. Spirituality is never a private affair. Grateful living is a building of networks upon networks. It’s a communal affair, and it’s revolutionary."

Brother David Steindl-Rast

“In the cloud of the human soul there is a fire stronger than the lightning, and a grace more precious than the rain.” John Ruskin

“By foregoing beauty for goodness, power for love, grief for gratitude, by entreating the Lord for help to understand our hopes, for strength to resist our fears, we may receive a gentle sense of the holiness permeating the air." Abraham Heschel

Quests on Spirituality
There are 1 Quests. Each Quest has tools to Explore, Reflect and take action. Select one that interests you and get started!