Tremendous insights to consider: Money
Category: Money

“Are you not ashamed that you give your attention to acquiring as much money as possible, and similarly with reputation and honor and give no attention to truth and understanding and the perfection of your soul?” Plato, Apology

“The idea that directions can be given for the gaining of wealth, irrespectively of the consideration of its moral sources, perhaps the most insolently futile of all that ever beguiled men through their vices.” John Ruskin

“To be inwardly rich is much more arduous than to be outwardly rich and famous; it needs much more care, much closer attention…Inward richness implies standing alone; but the man who wants to be famous is afraid to stand alone because he depends on people’s flattery and good opinion.” J. Krishnamurti

“We need businesspeople who are not driven by money but by their desire to contribute to society.’ ‘I’m talking about a new sector: companies that don’t want to make a loss, so they can continue to do business that contributes to the community as a whole. There aren’t many like that because the private sector has been wrongly labeled as a group of merciless profit-makers.” Muhammad Yunus

“I’ve to make these canastitas my own way and with my own song in them and with bits of my soul woven into them…If I were to make them in great numbers there would no longer be my soul in each, or my songs…Each has to be another song which I hear in the morning when the sun rises and when the birds begin to chirp and the butterflies come and sit down on my baskets so that I may see a new beauty.” B. Traven

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