Vision for the Quest Politics

Vision means reconstructing the dilemma we began with, from the inside out, so that it ceases to exist. Learn more.

Pledge for Politics

– Create enough time in your life to engage in current affairs.
– Fight the techno-bureaucracy.
– Don’t believe anything you are told.
– Do not comply unthinkingly with rules or laws.

– Never humiliate anyone. (For example, using derogatory terms such as anti-vaxxer or Karen).
– Do not appeal to or blame leaders or authorities, or expect them to solve social problems.
– Do not accept the assumptions of the status quo (the right, middle, or left).
– Instead of demanding change from your opponent, ask for empathy, contrition, reflection.
– Do not look to government or big business for a solution.
– Look for the psychological and ethical causes of political difference (character, virtue, and will).

– Listen deeply to views you don’t agree with.
– Don't assume that our present choices are a permanent fact.
– Don't assume that needs are satisfied by commodities.
– Don’t vote for a second-rate way of life.
– Find a way that changes assumptions, that all sides can agree with, that works at the heart level.

– Address underlying causes first, then external needs. (The opposite of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.)
– Respond at the level at which harm is being generated.
– Vote by what you actually do in your life.