Vision for the Quest Travel (and Experience)

Vision means reconstructing the dilemma we began with, from the inside out, so that it ceases to exist. Learn more.

Travel is not just about having fun. It can also be a way to challenge preconceptions, expand our imagination, prepare ourself for a more important future, and help others. On your travels, engage the whole range of what you have, your personal resources: time, talent, intelligence, passion, and, of course, money.
Throw your life into question. Stop being domesticated, mediocrity, superficial. Go into wilderness.

Travel not only for pleasure but also learning, helping and meaning.
Don’t embed yourself in the travel mega-industry.
Learn about and contribute to the communities you visit.
Support local businesses. Shop at local markets, eat at family-run businesses.
More important than local, seek out meaningful businesses and organizations of any kind.
Contribute to local non-profit or social projects.
Have you visited a business or any other place in Alaska that intrigues you, either because it is inspiring or because it falls short of what it could be? Add it to Visionary Society Places.
Attempt to meet fellow travelers and join with them in building a more thoughtful world.

Above all, breathe in the air. Expiration, Inspiration. Prepare yourself, when you go home again, to return with a new kind of energy – the energy of life.