Art and Play at Bus Stops
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Proposals are a Meaningful Solution to a Social Problem

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Create a space for art, reflection and play at any and every Anchorage bus stop. Reach out to local artists and anyone with a creative inclination or new idea and install them at our bus stops.

Let's use the pent-up creative energy of our community to transform boring, purely utilitarian places!
I'd like to see a friendly competition for all community members to contribute their projects. The emphasis should be on the depth or soulfulness of their idea, rather than skill or cleverness. At the same time, we must have minimum standards for quality, affordability and longevity.

Instead of the standard practice of awarding contracts and hiring contractors, I'd like to open the field for direct participation by everyone in building and maintaining the installations.
Origin of the idea

Proposal Type & Period
Type: Develop a Topic, Request or Challenge.
Period: {project-length}.
Steps are stages along the way to completing a Proposal. Click "Explore the Step" to find additional information and contribute to the discussion.

Hold a number of meetings, with the goal of reaching a consensus from a number of people committed to this project.
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Publicize this opportunity widely throughout town.
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We may have to begin with just one or two bus stops. And we will certainly need to show a significant amount of community support for the project - perhaps along the lines of being able to show that we have 100 or more Supporters.
Install bus stop features
Engage community members with the interest and skills to do the work needed to install each piece. The cost should be low, but we'll need a small budget of perhaps at least $200 per piece.
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Maintain bus stop installations
Discuss methods to accomplish this. Maybe a small group of people could agree to maintain each piece.
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