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Read Not The Times, Read The Eternities
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Article Type: General visionary news
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General visionary news

Standard news takes current problems at face value. But no problem can be solved at the level at which they are created. News of the Real is a way to refine our ability to see what is news. It is a way to train ourselves to make an active response to the hypnotic spell produced by the world we are immersed in.

Present the conventional news about current events and contrast with underlying causes and solutions.


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Select Conventional News Type (optional) Explanation

News presented in the mainstream media, including the news of the day and perennial political controversies. Discover what paradigm it represents.

Misinterpreted news
Roots of a current problem.

Political news
Left, right & underneath. What is the locus of power: who benefits, who controls? Perennial political controversies (such as abortion, guns, etc.)

Intractable problems news
For example, the Mideast conflict, sex abuse of children, problems caused by our dependence on centralized powers, such as the poisoning of the environment

Democracy fail
The people want it, and it is good, but it is not happening

Omnipresent news
Poor, destructive assumptions. For example, ‘Corporation preys on fears,’ or Anchorage is ugly. Worldwide deaths due to poverty

Hidden news
(or Unreported) news such as that Roundup is actually Agent Orange.

Complicity news We benefit, but others suffer.

Crisis news
An emergency number for the world. These ‘unacceptable situations’ are crises demanding a human response, and for which a human response is possible.

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Visionary News