Let’s create a vision for the city together
Can you imagine the future of this city? The future is approaching fast and we need to be ready for it!
The way we live will change. The way we work will change. The way we move will change. And: the way we treat the environment has to change. But: Change has to happen in a local way – maintaining the cities unique identity. There are a lot of different choices to be made. That’s why we need a future Vision for this place and want you to be part of it!
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Let’s create a vision for the city together
A Visionary Society Project
Can you imagine the future of this city? The future is approaching fast and we need to be ready for it!
The way we live will change. The way we work will change. The way we move will change. And: the way we treat the environment has to change. But: Change has to happen in a local way – maintaining the cities unique identity. There are a lot of different choices to be made. That’s why we need a future Vision for this place and want you to be part of it!
Photo of Portland

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entekochi, that’s what it is: EnteKochi (meaning MyKochi in local Malayalam) encourages the participation of as many different people as possible in thinking creatively and freely about the future of Kochi.
As an urban living lab we want to try things out. We don’t know the perfect solutions for the future yet, but we want to get together to find it. Please join us either here on this website, at our space in Fort Kochi or at workshops all over town.
EnteKochi (meaning MyKochi in local Malayalam) is jointly accompanied and designed by the Kochi Municipal Corporation, GIZ India, urbanista and urbz

Challenge 1, The Kochi Identity. Maintaining and respecting cultural identity.
Kochi’s multi-cultural history has allowed to develop a unique identity of the city. This is defined by tangible structures like historical buildings, religious spaces, but as well by intangible elements such as specific traditions, customs or the practice of different languages. It is vital that these elements will be respected in future developments, to allow the city to maintain its unique characteristics. While until today most of the historical sites and buildings of Kochi’s cultural identity have been preserved, there are few systematic sets of regulations that define what shall be protected long-term, and how to do so.

Challenge 2: Neighborhoods and Houses. Providing quality and safe housing in a vibrant environment.
The population of Kochi is increasing constantly. There are various forms of housing within the diverse neighborhoods of the city and the region. Some people live in informal structures, while others live in traditional houses or isolated, mono-structured settings. This imbalance leads to increasing inequalities, as well as to demand and supply gaps that continue to grow. In a future vision, Kochi offers a high quality of life through safe and adequate housing within lively and mixed-use neighborhoods in an inclusive city for all.

Challenge 3: Basic Services and Welfare. Creating reliable structures and basic services for all.
Existing inequalities increase with a fast growing population. This results in an unequal distribution of public goods and require the proportional adaption of public infrastructure and basic services. While today certain neighborhoods suffer a restricted access to various social and technical resources, a future Kochi must establish a common standard of needs to provide its citizens with an adequate standard of living. This will demand structural developments for sustainable waste management and long-term water management systems, among other factors.

Challenge 4: Public Common Grounds and Environment. Creating vibrant spaces for interaction and recreation.
In certain parts of Kochi, land use is mostly for structural, residential, commercial or agricultural purposes; this isolates its people from the natural environment and communities. To ensure inclusive and social communities, it is necessary to promote interaction between citizens and create recreation for residents and their environment. It is essential to provide collective public spaces for all people of a society to gather, meet and exchange ideas. By disrupting borders and opening up areas within existing structures, there is immense potential for more recreational and social opportunities for citizens.

Challenge 5: The Mobility Factor. Providing easy and accessible transport.
Kochi’s traffic is mainly filled with engine-driven vehicles, driving on roads that were not designed for their size and quantity, suffering from unpredictable contextual fluctuations. Making Kochi a walkable and bikeable city with simple transport systems that will explore potential routes (e.g. water) adapting to climate fluctuations, will be a significant challenge in its future. A future in which commuters will combine different forms of transport, to make the city itself a walkable environment by diffusing efficiently and reducing congestion.

Challenge 6: Local Economy and Labour Space. Creating future structures for sustainable income.
The way we work has a substantial impact on the functions and structures of our cities. Through its port, an active fishing industry, factory hubs and a leading digital, tech/IT sector, Kochi’s recent economic development is above the Indian national average. Through digitalization and mechanization, new places of work will emerge while others will vanish. In an integrated city development, new workplaces should be chosen wisely and tailored to the needs of a future economy.

Challenge 7: The Coastal Climate Challenge. Preparing Kochi and its people for floods and severe weather conditions.
Being a coastal city at sea level with significant water bodies, Kochi constantly runs the risk to be affected by floods and bad weather conditions. In 2018 Kerala suffered immensely from one of the most impactful floods in recent history. The danger of flooding and the increasing monsoon rainfall have raised the question of what can be done to avoid this in the future. To ensure a sustainable and resilient future development of the city and its community, it is essential to adapt structures to protect it from severe dangers. With rising sea levels and the acceleration of climate change, Kochi will have to find innovative solutions to protect its coastline while finding ways to incorporate its canals and backwaters within safe, reliable structures.
Type: Community and city.

By Visionary, Monday, Sep 09, 2024


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