Turn a political issue into a Quest
Category: Politics

We can change the dynamics of political conflict by creating a climate of respectful and even affectionate listening. Every time a political issue is presented to us, we must look for a deeper way, one not based on superiority, enforcement and coercion. That is, enmity and a skewed representation of human nature. Take it as an opportunity to transform the field on which the opposing parties meet, so that they no longer meet in opposition.

The conflict is not possible to resolve, given the assumptions on each side. So we must change our assumptions. It doesn’t matter which side is right. It doesn’t even matter if we find a solution. Instead, our goal must be to look courageously, with humility and goodwill. That is already transformative action.

Begin by listening with compassion to those with whom you disagree. What is good or true about the side that you oppose? What are their grievances? How are they suffering?

Turn a political dilemma into a Quest
1. Have respect for the opposing side. Listen compassionately to those with whom you disagree (especially if they are present in person). Believe that mutual understanding is possible.
2. Describe the existing political approach. Point out the ways humiliation, anger, bitterness, callousness are involved.
3. What do you want others to know about what you care about? What do you want those who don’t understand or disagree to think about carefully and compassionately?
4. What is good in your opponent? What is good in their goals? What is most important to them, their real goal?
5. Find a way that changes assumptions, that all sides can agree with, that works at the heart level.
6. Ask for reflection, goodwill, and collaborative action. Above all, do not condemn others and do not humiliate them.

Citywide engagement
Stage small and large meetings to bring respectful discussion to divisive, polarized issues. Show how it is possible to resolve political issues in a visionary way, with humility, respect, insight, and courage.
Each meeting should have a place for Visionary society tools such as Reflect (see your own position inside of this mess) and Explore (entertain helpfully positions you oppose). Create a space for an unexpected solution. Most of all, meetings should create a climate of affection and reflection.

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