Inactive Topic: Are Vaccinations Safe?
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Primary Resource: Text: Danger to the immune system
Danger to the immune system

The vaccine is not effective. But what is it doing to your immune system? Do you know? Do they know? And do you want to risk Guillain-Barre syndrome, which has been linked to flu vaccinations? Why are you/they pressuring everyone? Do you trust Western medicine and the sincerity of the Big-pharma-industrial complex?

The problem with over vaccination (what is it 46 vaccination shots in the first year of life now?) is that, along with over-sanitization (anti-bacterial everything everywhere) we are triggering a host of auto-immune disorders, as immune system scours the body looking for someplace to attack. The Times Health section has written about this, or check out

I am 63, eat well, rest well, know how to relax, work hard, and have the flu once as an adult and it did not kill me. And, I probably caught it on a plane coming back from a trip in the dead of winter in which I got very chilled and had high levels of in-law induced stress.

No. I know so many people who have gotten the flu even though they took the shot. Leave my immune system alone, thank you very much.

Eyton Shalom, Dec 14, 2017, NYT comment

Primary Resource: Link: Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?, Pros & Cons of Controversial Issues (Edit)
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Primary Resource: Text: Japan has the Lowest Infant Mortality Rate Following Ban on Mandatory Vaccinations
Japan has the Lowest Infant Mortality Rate Following Ban on Mandatory Vaccinations

Seven years ago, Japan stopped using the MMR vaccine, making them one of the only developed nations to stop using the cocktail. While other nations may have snubbed their noses at the decision, Japan walked away because of the “3,969 medical compensation claims relating to vaccines in the last 30 years, a quarter had been made by those badly affected by the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine…” 1

In 1993, after 1.8 million children had been given two types of MMR and a record number had developed non-viral meningitis and other adverse reactions, they decided enough was enough. (What is it going to take for us to decide the same thing?)

“The Japanese government realized there was a problem with MMR soon after its introduction in April 1989 when vaccination was compulsory… An analysis of vaccinations over a three-month period showed one in every 900 children was experiencing problems. This was over 2,000 times higher than the expected rate of one child in every 100,000 to 200,000.”2

And so, in 1993, after public outcry fueled by concerns over the flu vaccine, the government dropped the requirement for children to be vaccinated against measles or rubella. (The government switched to another MMR vaccine in October 1991 but the incidence was still high with one in 1,755 children affected. And then in 1999, the government reconsidered using MMR but decided it was safer to keep the ban and continue using individual vaccines for measles, mumps, and rubella.)

Anti-Vaccine Japan Has World’s Lowest Child Death Rate & Highest Life Expectancy

Anti-Vaccine Japan Has World’s Lowest Child Death Rate & Highest Life Expectancy

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